Honest Wrestlings with Faith & Doubt

It is our dream to be a place where believers and skeptics have authentic community and honest conversations about faith and doubt. In The Grove we encourage everyone to be honest about their doubts, and to ask questions that are related to their doubts. Typically the wrestlings with our doubts will help refine our faith or lead us to faith.

That is why it is our desire is to be a place where you can belong before you believe. We want to be a church who understands that faith first comes with lots of questions and even doubts. Therefore, we strive to be a place where people can explore those questions and doubts. In fact, it is an honor for us to be able to walk alongside our city and its people as we together explore questions about Jesus that hopefully lead towards belief in Him; but if not, we still want to be lifelong friends with the people of our city, no matter what the result is.

Skeptics Bible Study: If you are interested in exploring your doubt and faith we have a skeptics only bible study. This is a bible study were Pastor David meets with anyone who wants to explore both faith and doubt. The requirement to come is that you are skeptical of Christianity, or, if you are a Christian, you must bring a skeptical friend with you and be honest about your own doubts. If you would like to attend this click the link below.